Maximum load capacity: 20kg
Submerging the cart in water will cause damage to the cart. We recommend using the manual push mode while crossing a bridge or in a limited space, like a parking lot.
Before transportation, the battery must be disconnected from the cart.
When parking on a slope, please do not turn off the power and remember to press the stop key (‘Cloud’ key). Turning off the power would disable the electric braking system of the cart.
Do not store your cart in the open air.
When it rains heavily, protect the cart from the rain and try to cover it with an umbrella.
Please use a soft dry towel to wipe off the excess mud, dirt or water from the cart.
Keep the main folding track clean and well lubricated.
The battery will be able to complete around 36 holes on a single charge when used in normal conditions (however this is not guaranteed). We encourage users of Lithium batteries to top-up between rounds whenever possible. The battery is not designed to complete 18 holes over consecutive days on a single charge. Battery capacity will reduce over time and can be affected by frequency of use and charging conditions.
Do not remove the battery during rainy conditions.